The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is a technological revolution of computing and communications. It is defined as a world-wide network of smart interconnected underwater objects with a digital entity. These devices sense, interpret and react to the environment due to the combination of the Internet, powerful tracking technologies and embedded sensors. One of the device that give a big role in underwater area is underwater vehicle, is one of the type of underwater robot which is operated with minimum or without intervention of human operator. In the literatures, the phrase is used to describe to a unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) are all types of underwater robots which are operated with minimum or without intervention of human operator.
ER2C Smart Environment Systems Framework
For centuries, the geographical resources of the Indonesian archipelago have been exploited in ways that fall into consistent social and historical patterns. Across the world, a growing appetite for Indonesia’s fish, gold, oil and gas resources are pressing the country to keep on exporting its natural heritage in the form of oils, logs, and fish fillets. The problem is that a lot of these activities are taking place illegally and/or are carried out in an unsustainable way. Beside deforestation, pollution and unsustainable and illegal wildlife trade of environmental problems in Indonesia are over-exploitation of marine resources and destructive fishing. Most, if not all, of Indonesia’s capture fisheries are fully or overexploited. Adding to this problem are efforts to increase the catch of Indonesia’s fisheries, pushing fish populations ever closer to the brink of depletion. Destructive fishing such as cyanide and blast fishing on coral reefs has degrade not only the ecosystems, but also affected the cast number of marine species that depend on them. For pollution problems, Indonesia’s lax pollution controls that have allowed industries to discharge toxic waste into the river with near impunity. Inadequate waste-disposal has made the river the de facto dumpsite for its residents.
In order to overcome above-mentioned challenges, in this research project, we propose a new design of the integration on unmanned underwater vehicle for environmental monitoring and data acquisition compatible with 5D world map as a part of Internet of Underwater Things. In the first year, we will conduct research on design and develop platform of unmanned underwater vehicle, integrating multiple sensors, and implementation of delay-tolerant communication systems to collect information about environmental problems. Second year, we will conduct research on development of multi sensory fusion and software analysis from multiple fusion sensors, collecting data from real case and and visualize in spatiotemporal visualization 5D World Map system. The last year, we will advance our system to build mesh UUVs and integrate with 5D World Map system.